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The Munny Pod, a podcast dedicated to shattering the taboo surrounding money.

Candid and relatable stories from real people

Join us as we delve into the untold stories of our guests’ unique financial experiences. We discuss the triumphs, struggles, and transformative moments that have shaped their relationship with money, offering invaluable insights to empower and inspire listeners on their own financial journeys.

Highs, lows and everything inbetween

Hosted by one of our Founders, an advocate for financial wellbeing, The Munny Pod opens up a safe space where guests can candidly share their highs, lows and lessons learned. From entrepreneurs who have weathered financial storms to individuals who have risen from the depths of debt, our guests represent a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences, offering a raw and honest perspective on the complexities of personal finance.

Listen, connect and learn

The Munny Pod is not just about sharing success stories. It’s about breaking the taboo and shedding light on the struggles and setbacks that many people face when it comes to money. We create a compassionate and judgment-free environment where guests can open up about their financial mistakes, hardships, and vulnerabilities, fostering a sense of connection and understanding among our listeners.

By lifting the veil of secrecy around money matters, the Munny Pod aims to empower individuals to face their own financial challenges head-on, offering practical advice, guidance, and encouragement along the way.

Join us on our movement

Tune in to the Munny Pod and be part of the movement to destigmatize conversations about money. Let’s rewrite the narrative together and create a world where everyone feels comfortable, confident, and empowered in their financial lives.

It was great to appear as a guest on the Munny Pod. I think it’s massively important we talk about money and personal finance. Not only that, but how we can look after our financial wellbeing. I know first-hand, what it’s like to not look after it, and the negative impact it can have on our mental health.

Mark Murray, Founder at WhysUp